Arthur Tisi
CEO, Meaningbot
Arthur Tisi | Understanding Humans with Machines
Deep neural networks dominate advanced approaches to pattern recognition. Today neural networks transcribe our speech, recognize our pets, understand linguistics and fight our trolls. Recent advances by Geoff Hinton and the introduction of capsule networks only ups the ante. But despite the results, we have to wonder… why do they work so well?
In this session, Arthur Tisi, CEO and Founder of MeaningBot, shares some extremely remarkable results in applying deep neural networks to natural language processing (NLP), particularly in the areas of determining human traits in the areas of leadership, team building, personality, consumption preferences and more. Arthur will cite real world examples and share some of the math and science behind these advances including different variants of artificial neural networks, such as deep multilayer perceptron (MLP), convolutional neural network (CNN), recursive neural network (RNN), recurrent neural network (RNN), long short-term memory (LSTM), sequence-to-sequence model, and shallow neural networks including word2vec for word embeddings.
About the Speaker
Arthur Tisi is a technologist and entrepreneur. Arthur is CEO and Founder of The Praescripto Group, LLC. and its subsidiary companies MeaningBot Inc (https://www.meaningbot.com/). and Connectidy Inc., which are building tools for the next generation of Cognitive and Behavioral Computing.
Arthur is an advisor to Raytheon Intelligence Services., Rand Logistics Inc. and several technology, retail and entertainment companies. He was recently part of a book by Jim Stengle, Unleashing the Innovators – How Mature Companies Find New Life With Startups, (Random House) Arthur is an advisor to Raytheon Intelligence Services., Rand Logistics Inc. and several technology, retail and entertainment companies. He was recently part of a book by Jim Stengle, Unleashing the Innovators – How Mature Companies Find New Life With Startups, (Random House) (http://www.jimstengel.com/books/unleashing-innovators/)
Arthur has advised the Graham School of the University of Chicago is also a mentor for the Columbia University Executive MBA program. He has appeared on CNN, CNBC, MSNBC, PBS and a variety of other radio and television programs and has collaborated with Tom Brokaw on technology lectures.
Mr. Tisi has testified on multiple occasions before the United States Congress regarding technology and security and has been extensively quoted on technology and technology forensics matters in the New York Law Journal, New York Times, Wall Street Journal and other newspapers. He has published one book on digital technology (KUNSTHALLE DIGITAL) and is in the process or completing a second on social media analytics.
Tisi was part of the leadership team that brought a company public on the Nasdaq in 2014 (Ticker FWM). Arthur was the Chairman of @Thought Technologies and CEO of EXA/Infosys both of which were successful startups that were sold and Arthur was the Chief Information Officer at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York.
Arthur recently received United States Patents focused on Retail and Consumer Products Analytics. He has written and performed with a number of renown music artists in various genres of music including Jazz, Rock, Pop and Hip Hop. He is currently working on Jazz and Acoustic album releases with proceeds being donated to several charities.
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